Medical applications of diamond magnetometry: commercial viability
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منابع مشابه
High-resolution vector microwave magnetometry based on solid-state spins in diamond
The measurement of the microwave field is crucial for many developments in microwave technology and related applications. However, measuring microwave fields with high sensitivity and spatial resolution under ambient conditions remains elusive. In this work, we propose and experimentally demonstrate a scheme to measure both the strength and orientation of the microwave magnetic field by utilizi...
متن کاملNanoscale magnetometry with NV centers in diamond
MRS BULLETIN • VOLUME 38 • FEBRUARY 2013 • © 2013 Materials Research Society Introduction Advancements in magnetic detection and imaging have contributed immensely to a wide range of scientifi c areas from fundamental physics and chemistry to practical applications such as the data storage industry and medical science. One classic example is nuclear magnetic resonance, 1,2 ...
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Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a widely used biomedical imaging modality that derives much of its contrast from microscale magnetic field gradients in biological tissues. However, the connection between these sub-voxel field patterns and MRI contrast has not been studied experimentally. Here, we describe a new method to map subcellular magnetic fields in mammalian cells and tissues using n...
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Sensing static or slowly varying magnetic fields with high sensitivity and spatial resolution is critical to many applications in fundamental physics, bioimaging and materials science. Several versatile magnetometry platforms have emerged over the past decade, such as electronic spins associated with Nitrogen Vacancy (NV) centers in diamond. However, their high sensitivity to external fields al...
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